Breathe your life into alignment

embody pleasure

I am Pia


Through the past nine years, I've searched for spiritual healers all around the world, only to find out that the most transformational portal is and always has been between my legs.  Now my Pussy and I are on a mission: passionately guiding women to lives that are lit up by desire and authentic self-expression.

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned over the course of reclaiming my power and expressing my true voice, it’s that pleasure isn’t just the driving force behind claiming your desires - It can also be the key to your soul’s freedom. 

Growing up we have been told to be many things but I am here to remind you that it is your own voice that matters. This is your life, you are the protagonist and you choose how this tale continues. As we learn to lean into trust and create a space in which we feel safe to fully open ourselves up, we are ready to receive. Pleasure, blessings, abundance.

Allow your most authentic self to step out of the shadow and into the light, the world is awaiting you.

Are you ready to passionately light up your life?

Hey there!